Headless Solutions

Last Updated


April 21, 2023

Best Headless CMS for E-Commerce & Content Creation Businesses




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Nowadays, businesses need a solid online presence to succeed. This is especially true for e-commerce and content creation businesses, as they need a reliable and flexible content management system (CMS) to manage their digital assets. Headless CMS has revolutionized how enterprises approach content management, offering unparalleled flexibility and customization options.

This article by SYSINT will explore the best headless CMS options for e-commerce and content creation businesses and how they can benefit from these platforms. Whether you're a small business or a large enterprise, a headless CMS can help you streamline your content creation and delivery process, improve your website's performance, and provide a better user experience for your customers.


What is Headless CMS?

A headless CMS is a content management system that separates content creation and storage from the presentation layer. This enables content to be reused and easily delivered across multiple webs, mobile, and digital media platforms. It provides backend-only functionalities, making content accessible through a GraphQL or REST API and displayable on any device. It also completely separates the backend (creation and storage) from the front (design and deployment). [1][3]

There's no one-size-fits-all answer, depending on the project's specific needs. Some popular options for headless CMS include Strapi, Ghost, Directus, and WordPress. Strapi is a popular open-source option, while Ghost is popular for blogging and content creators. Directus is popular for business use cases, while WordPress is for e-commerce. [2][4]

In terms of SEO-friendliness, headless CMS can be very SEO-friendly if implemented correctly. Since the content is separated from the presentation layer, developers can fully customize the presentation layer to optimize it for search engine rankings. [1]

Benefits of Headless CMS

The headless CMS is a revelation for those seeking simplicity in content management. No longer must you be shackled to the confines of a traditional CMS, with its rigid templates and clunky interfaces. With a headless CMS, you can create and manage content without the burden of design limitations.

You can focus on what matters most: the content itself. With a headless CMS, the separation of content and presentation means you can deliver your content across any platform or device. Whether it's a website, a mobile app, or a smartwatch, your content can be easily accessed and displayed in a way that suits the user's needs.

Gone are the days of worrying about CMS upgrades and security patches. With a headless CMS, you have the peace of mind that comes with a secure, cloud-based solution that can be easily scaled to meet your needs.

So, if you're looking for a CMS that puts content first, look at the headless CMS. It's the modern solution for the digital age and is here to stay.

Headless CMS vs. Traditional CMS

Headless CMS and traditional CMS are two different approaches to managing content on a website. Traditional CMS is an all-in-one solution that handles content creation and presentation. Headless CMS, conversely, separates content creation from the exhibition, allowing for greater flexibility and versatility.

In a traditional CMS, the content and presentation are tightly coupled. This means that the content and presentation are stored in a database, and the two are inseparable. This can create limitations when designing and delivering content across different platforms and devices.

A headless CMS, on the other hand, separates content from presentation, creating a more flexible system. Content is stored in a database and can be delivered to any platform or device through an API (Application Programming Interface).

Another key difference is that traditional CMS often comes with pre-built templates and themes, which can make it easier to get started but can also limit customization. Headless CMS requires developers to write their code to display the content, giving them more control over the presentation.

Traditional CMS is generally easier to use and is better suited for small to medium-sized websites with a limited number of content types. Headless CMS, on the other hand, is more flexible and scalable, making it a better choice for larger websites and those with complex content needs.

Best Headless CMS

Jamstack.org unveils a comprehensive list of headless CMS platforms for web developers. Among the 103 headless CMS platforms listed, Strapi leads the pack with 50,415 GitHub stars, Ghost with 41,887 stars, and Directus with 18,724 stars.


Strapi is an open-source headless CMS with a user-friendly interface for managing content. It has a robust set of features for e-commerce, including product management, inventory tracking, and payment gateway integrations. Strapi also has a large community of developers and users, which makes it easy to find support and resources.


Ghost is an open-source headless CMS that provides a simple and elegant solution for blogging. It has a user-friendly interface for managing content and a wide range of features for content creation and distribution. Ghost also has a large community of developers and users, which makes it easy to find support and resources.


Directus is another popular open-source headless CMS that provides a flexible and customizable business solution. It has a user-friendly interface for managing content and a wide range of content creation and distribution features, including content modeling, API generation, and content versioning. Directus also has a large community of developers and users, which makes it easy to find support and resources. Other notable platforms include WordPress, Craft CMS, and Sanity. While WordPress and Craft CMS are popular options for traditional CMS, they are not headless CMS by default. However, they do offer headless capabilities through their respective APIs. Sanity, conversely, is a pure headless CMS that provides a range of features specifically for headless content management. Here's a closer look at each option:


WordPress is a popular CMS that offers headless capabilities through its REST API. It provides a wide range of features for content management, including a user-friendly interface, multiple content types, and a large ecosystem of plugins and themes. With the REST API, WordPress can be a headless CMS to deliver content to any front-end application.

Craft CMS

Craft CMS is another popular CMS that offers headless capabilities through its GraphQL API. It provides a flexible and customizable solution for content management, with features such as content modeling, versioning, and localization. With the GraphQL API, Craft CMS can be a headless CMS to deliver content to any front-end application.


Sanity is a pure headless CMS that provides a flexible and scalable solution for content management. It offers a range of features specifically for headless content creation, including real-time collaboration, image and video management, and content localization. Sanity also has a large ecosystem of third-party integrations, making connecting with other headless CMS tools easy.

In conclusion, headless CMS is a powerful solution for managing and delivering content across multiple channels. Each headless CMS option provides a range of features and integrations that can help businesses manage and deliver content effectively. Ultimately, the best headless CMS depends on your business needs and requirements.

Headless CMS Сase Studies

Kyivstar, a Ukrainian telecommunications company, is one of the companies that has migrated from Drupal to Strapi, a headless CMS. According to the website, Kyivstar chose Strapi for its internationalization features and custom roles and permissions and has achieved positive results since the migration. Additionally, Kyivstar uses Strapi for its mobile app, My Kyivstar. [5] Another case study for headless CMS numbers:

  • Pixeldust Agency delivered a multi-featured website 75% faster from design to deployment using Strapi. [6]
  • Palmabit uses Strapi as an omnichannel CMS for telecom provider Intred. [7]
  • Paradigma Digital switched from WordPress to Strapi and Eleventy. [8]
  • OpenForge uses Strapi to administrate their customers' applications. [9]
  • Finary increased organic traffic by 100x after building SEO pages with Strapi. [10]
  • Glean grew organic traffic by 60% after rebuilding their website with Strapi and Gatsby. [11]
  • Successive Technologies used Strapi to triple the content velocity of an omnichannel content hub. [12]

Best SEO Practices for Headless CMS

Here are some best SEO practices you can follow while using a headless CMS:

  • Optimize content for keywords: Headless CMS allows you to create and update content easily, so optimize your content for relevant keywords. Use relevant keywords in page titles, meta descriptions, headers, and content to improve your search engine visibility.
  • Use structured data: Structured data helps search engines understand the content on your website, so it's essential to use it appropriately. Headless CMS can easily integrate structured data into your content, so use it to your advantage.
  • Optimize images and videos: Images and videos can significantly impact your website's load time. Headless CMS can help you optimize photos and videos for faster load times, reducing bounce rates and improving search engine rankings.
  • Focus on site speed: Site speed is a critical factor for SEO, and headless CMS can help you increase your website's speed by caching content and delivering it faster to users.
  • Ensure mobile responsiveness: Mobile responsiveness is another crucial factor for SEO, and headless CMS can help you create mobile-responsive websites easily.
  • Implement a sitemap: A sitemap helps search engines crawl your website efficiently, and headless CMS can help you create and update sitemaps easily.

Overall, headless CMS can help you implement best SEO practices quickly, enabling you to improve your search engine rankings and drive more traffic to your website.

In conclusion, headless CMS is a powerful tool for e-commerce businesses looking to streamline their content creation and management process. By separating the front-end and back-end, a headless CMS allows for greater flexibility and customization, enabling businesses to create unique, engaging customer experiences. Whether you want to improve your website's performance or provide a better user experience, a headless CMS can help you achieve your goals.

If you're looking for a reliable and flexible headless e-commerce solution, our team at SYSINT is here to help. We offer headless e-commerce services tailored to your business needs, including enterprise systems integration, Progressive Web Apps development, Web UI/UX design, and implementation. Our team of experts has years of experience working with headless CMS platforms. This blog is made with Strapi. We can help you create a seamless e-commerce and content creation experience and a robust online business that drives sales. Don't wait any longer to take advantage of the benefits of headless e-commerce. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you take your business to the next level.


  1. Headless CMS 101: The Only Guide You'll Ever Need
  2. Headless CMS Explained – What it is and When You Should Use it
  3. Headless CMS explained in 5 minutes - Strapi
  4. Compare seven headless CMS offerings and their key differences
  5. https://strapi.io/user-stories/kyivstar
  6. https://strapi.io/user-stories/pixeldust-agency
  7. https://strapi.io/user-stories/palmabit-intred
  8. https://strapi.io/user-stories/paradigma-digital-brand
  9. https://strapi.io/user-stories/openforge-mobile-agency
  10. https://strapi.io/user-stories/finary
  11. https://strapi.io/user-stories/glean
  12. https://strapi.io/user-stories/successive-technologies



April 21, 2023

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